Thursday, September 24, 2009

Girls and boys

Well it's official, I am a NCKU student. I have both the student ID card and the library card to prove. Now we'll see what I can do with these cards. I luckily brought a page of passport size self pictures printed out on photo quality paper. Don't leave home without them.

Our class has another new student. I think he transferred up from a beginner class to our basic class. Four of my fellow students are pursuing an International MBA taught at NCKU. The IMBA program is taught in English.

One day last week I saw a guy on my dorm 1st floor take the elevator and bring a load of wet laundry up to the 5th floor. Later I went up to the 5th floor and then one flight of stairs up is the roof. Open to all. Nice view, but the most popular part is that you can hang your clothes to dry in the breeze.

But there are separate areas for men and women's clothes. We wouldn't want women's underwear sharing the same space with men's underwear? Would we?

In some ways Taiwan is a prudish society with men and women's roles being defined from what they were in traditional times. Of course, that is changing, Taiwanese women have the lowest fertility rate in the world of just 1 child per 1 women. Part of that is because raising a child in Taiwan is tough job. No doubt.

Pornography is illegal in Taiwan as it is in mainland China. But the internet is unrestricted in Taiwan while on the mainland the internet is censored for

pornography, incorrect political thoughts, criticism of the government, ...

(I have a hard time calling my fellow students "men and women", they are so young looking I have to hold back from calling them "boys and girls".)

Here is as close a view from the satellite as I can get. My dorm is the long gray building in the center. The two dark rectangles on top are the men and women's clothes drying areas.

Here's one of my favorite eating places. They have a take away menu and I have a copy of it in my room. I look over the menu before I go there, find a good dish, practice pronouncing it and then go to the restaurant prepared. I am working my way through every dish on the menu. Good for my vocabulary.

The place is right in the middle of the after school cram schools, so the tables and chairs are those for elementary school children. It's like a parent going to a kindergarten meet-the-teacher meeting.

Here's a combination of chicken and duck on rice. I know a lot of good people are noodle people but I am a rice person.
40NT = ~$1.25


Pinfan said...

Anything good for having a students card? can have movie ticket, MRT ticket, bus ticket all in discount. My sister is a student in her Master for Chinease teaching now..She will tell you how to fully utliize your student card..: >

Any good looking and nice guy in your class? If any, bring them to Taipei.hahha..just kidding..


Florence said...

Ia there any good looking and nice woman in your calss? If any, don't bring her to Taipei. My relative will be angry at you. They are my eyes in Taiwan, ha ha. I am not kidding.

You really should try noodle, rice noodle, beef noodle, "Yang Chuan Man"..... Most of the food shops don't use dry noodle. They usually use fresh made noodle. It would taste different from the dry noodle.

You should try to hang your close in the woman area just to see their reactions. You can always use the excuse that you don't read Chinese. This is just like cloth hanging area in the resort we stayed in Belize.

I am giving up to be the first to comment your blog now. Pin Fan is the winner. I no longer need to stay up. Pin Fan is so competitive and I will let her win.

Paula said...

I am trying hard to keep last place in the contest of commenting on your blog. I really enjoy leisurely starts to my day, now that I don't have to get up so early any more.
Go for the student discounts! Or, what about senior discounts? Is there such a thing in Tainan? If so, what is the age? Have you gone to the movies in Tainan? That might be a way to try out student/senior discounts.

Do you have washing machines in your dorm, or do you have to wash your clothes in your sink? Air drying outside sounds like a good way to go. In Arizona there aren't many clothes lines, although clothes would dry fast. I guess it's too time consuming to hang things up. In private homes, are men's and women's clothes laundered together? So many questions!
I always enjoy your pictures. You are doing an impressive job with the satellite pictures. Your food pictures continue to inspire.

Unknown said...

From the satellite picture it looks like there is a fair amount of greenspace around the campus--I wouldn't have expected that since I think of everything being crowded together there. What is the average temperature there now, and what kind of seasonal changes do you have? I enjoy your blog and pictures very much. I even took a Chinese cookbook out of the library to see if they had some of the things you mentioned, but I didn't find any--maybe it was too Americanized. Mary