Saturday, February 13, 2010


This semester I am taking a class in ShuFa, Chinese calligraphy, as predicted, I suck at drawing characters with the Chinese ink brush. But it has given me an appreciation of those who can do it. Not only can they do it but they can write the characters in different sytles. Like these panels, they all say the same thing but in various historical sytles.

Sometimes the calligrapher is just showing off. Here 20 characters squished top to bottom.

At this exhibition each exhibit had a name card with the characters in machine font so you can make out what characters the calligrapher was writing. This allows the calligrapher to be as "expressive" or "creative" as he/she like and we can still read the characters. The above panel is the following characters.

Here's where you go to get an X-ray. Which character means rays?

This place sells goat meat. I'll never forget the character for goat,.

This tea shop went out of business but not because the sign was bad. The character is cha for tea.

I like these characters with a well soaked brush.

These character were burned into a wooden step with a hot metal rod, my
characters look like these.

It says, be careful, walk on the step.

1 comment:

Paula said...

It sounds like you are trying to master the 4 arts of a gentleman in ancient China. You've covered music with your singing class, chess with your after school activities in the park, and now calligraphy. What about painting? Does calligraphy count?

Florence leaves tonight. I hope you both have a wonderful reunion and new year's celebration!