Monday, February 8, 2010


We are now in the oranges season, for the past 3 months we have had fresh oranges for sale everywhere. These are "juice oranges" as they are hard to peel and pulpy inside. (There are large tangerines that are easy to peel also available.)

But I like to buy my OJ in convenient plastic recyclable bottles. The cost is 100NT for 72 ounces. For awhile it went down to 90NT for 2 big bottles(72 ounces). In Taipei the cost was 140 for 72 ounces(Everything costs more in Taipei). You can buy 72 ounces in 2 big bottles, 3 medium size bottles or 6 small bottles. I'm sure the bottle sizes are actually in liters but I measured them with my measuring cup.
1 cup = 8 ounces.

There is a variety of equipment for getting the juice out. The hand tool:

An electric model:

The full bore double hopper, automatic machine:

1 comment:

Paula said...

I'm glad that you can get fresh orange juice. We enjoyed squeezing orange juice from our tree in Tucson. There is something special about going outside and picking oranges. Of course, someone from Tucson visiting us in Bellevue may think that there is something special about going outside to pick blueberries and raspberries.