Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gardens II

OK, Taiwan is messy and chaotic but that just makes gardens as tranquil places just that much more appreciated. On the campus, at Cheng Da, we have many places to go and reflect that grades are just not that important in the long run.

There are these hidden courtyards just made for contemplation.

It's good to think that whatever happens, at least our life is better than that of a fish in the pond. But then maybe it's not that good.

At the Chengcing Lake park in KaoHsiung there is this huge manmade lake. I never saw this color in a flower, especially not in a lily pad flower. What you see in a park takes you out of your day-to-day experience and shows you there is more to life than your regular life.

These could be part of your garden, they are decorative turnips! Even the roots have color if you expose them.

This is one of my old friends from my local park, in Taiwan it is called the "shy plant" because it folds up when you touch it. I know in Guatemala it is call the "prayer plant" because folded up it looks like two hands folded in prayer. The official name is Mimosa Pudica. It's hard to grow in Bellevue but in the subtropics no problem.

With so many natural flowers available, the typical landscaping seems out of place, but color is good wherever you can get it. I think these are inpatients but I'm no expert.


Paula said...

I love the decorative turnips! I wonder if they are available here in Bellevue.

Pinfan said...

The decoratie turnips is painted to "REd" on purpose in New Year time. If you put one in your house, it will bring you good luck whole year round, guess i will buy one too..haha