Wednesday, February 17, 2010

NCKU Library

I spend a lot of time at the NCKU library which is the best library in Southern Taiwan. They have an extensive collection of English books and it's a quiet place for studying. (Yes, I do study a lot.)

They have these large heavy tables where you can spread out for a few hours of homework, ...

At least in the English section the books are arranged by the Dewey Decimal system, so I feel right at home.

The space is really big with plenty to place all of the books the shelves. There is no "Off Campus Storage", with all the hassle that involves. It's great to see the classics of Mathematics, some more that 100 years old, out on the public shelves.
There is mathematics from 200 years ago that will never understand so the idea of "Old Mathematics" as being obsolete is just not viable with me.

Part of the reason they have so much space is the automatic shelving system, whereby only the space between active shelves is open.

1 comment:

Paula said...

You really do seem happy and at home in Tainan. I'm glad you have found such a special place. My counterpart is the Bellevue Library and hope that soon I'll be able to walk there.