Thursday, February 18, 2010

Customized Motorcycles

There is a great movie in Taiwan called "Cape No. 7",  it's available with English subtitles and Florence has a copy that I sent her. In the story the hero escapes the rat race of Taipei and find love and success in Southern Taiwan. He escapes on a 50cc Suzuki motorcycle. That's the first motorcycle I ever owned in Minnesota in 1967. In the movie, he gets a job as a mailman delivering the mail with his Suzuki 50. He has to "customize" his bike with green tape to make it a "mailman bike".

There are some crazy customized motorcycles in Taiwan. The longer a bike lives the greater chance that it could be customized. And if it's still working, Taiwanese will never throw it out. Here are some examples from Tainan.

The next one is so pretty, I need two pictures. This one of the famous Kawasakis.

Of course not all are so pretty, using decals doesn't produce a good result.

In Tainan this is the closest I could get to my old bike. Mine was green and only 50cc.

I also use to own an old "Allstate", which was a Vespa knockoff. They still have them in Tainan but now they usually just guard a parking spot.

Safety on a bike mostly a matter of being seen by the other drivers, this guy on a three wheeler has the right idea. Nice color.

1 comment:

Pinfan said...

pink scooter is just too pinky...:<