What is this guy's business?
Pornography is illegal in Taiwan but a pair of these guys are outside a bank so they must have some meaning. For the life of me I can't figure out what it is! At least they are painted in the right color for a bank.
The next three are all eating establishments. They are all the ancestors of Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders.
Using guy’s body instead of woman is because we don’t want to be too sexy. This is for $$$$. It makes sense. We want to have gold as well as go globle.
The first chef showed that the food is really spicy. Did you try the food there? The second chef listed the menu as:
1. Thick cut steak
2. Stove baked king shrimp
3. Caribbean shrimp skew
4. French style grilled lamb
5. Baked German hog leg..
It is quite international. Is it fancy or pricy?
I am as befuddled as you, Mike, about the meaning of some of the sculptures. Is the first one for a dentist? Why the bow around the tooth then? And the nude male sculptures?? We wouldn't see them here at our banks. It's fun looking at these things through uninitiated eyes and guessing!
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