When I first got to Tainan, this one hit me personally. It's located at the RR underpass, so with my big luggage it was 20 steps down and then 20 step up to get around the RR tracks on the way to my dorm. It was a sign of life to come for a pedestrian in Tainan.
Here's a classic, but what's the point? It's about 30 feet away from a local temple and originally was multicolored(kind of happy looking). But some prude scrubbed the color away. As an chemistry major will tell you red is a tough dye to remove.
Chinese is sometimes written right to left, left to right and top to bottom. So this shouldn't be that surprising.
I couldn't read these in the US and I can't read them in Tainan either.
This one is about 10 feet tall, it must have taken a while to finished.
More to come.
It looked like most of the graffiti written in either cement or tiltes. I would think it would be easier to clean up the title. There are always so many people in Taiwan, how did the grafittiers find the time to do it?
Grafitti makes life interesting. At least some of it is colorful--and in English.
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