Here are some burners for burning ghost money during Ghost Month. The one on the left was so big that it structural collapsed. How do you dispose of a rusted piece of junk and not offend the Gods?
Here we have a old nonflat screen television screen used a ballast to anchor a road sign. You know that someday someone will hit that sign and then there'll a nice hazardous mess to clean up.
I took me a while to figure out what this one was. It's a homemade trailer hitch on a scooter. Scooters are dangerous enough without this accessory.
Here's what makes a pedestrians life tough in Tainan. An owner wants to put is a drain or cable from the shop to the street. So we just breakup the sidewalk, lay the drain or cable and then cement the whole thing back together. You know it wouldn't be as smooth as the original.
Stairs are a good way of separating pedestrians from from scooters but this ad hoc cement ramp defeats that purpose. It's slippery when wet, I can see accidents in its future.
Of course these are just bad from my point of view.
Hi from Minnesota
I love to ready your blog! I try to ready it every day. We aren't as good at commenting as your regular fan club but wanted you to know we keep up with everything you write. It makes me want to try different foods and I enjoy the humorous take on things you come across. It truly gives us a flavor for what you are experiencing. Glad school is interesting and fun.
I am impressed that you are the first to comment during late night your time. Mike has to be proud. The blog make me wanting to go back to Taiwan to see all the things that I did not pay attention during my growing up.
We all have different viewpoints. I believe there are interesting things all around us but we just don't pay attentions since we are so used to our environment. As a foreigner with no obligation, all you have is time, then everything becomes interesting. I love traveling but I believe being a tourist is just not the same as being a resident. Being able to stay in a foreign country for many month certainly is a good experience.
Mike, your "bad ideas" file is as entertaining as your "good ideas" file. I'm ready to start my own good and bad idea files. It's just hard to look at things differently--except in the kitchen. My cooking teachers at PCC Cooks talk about what bad practices are and introduce clever ideas.
As a big fan of your blog, I must say that the more I learn about Tainan from you, the more interested I am in visiting there myself some day.
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