cups, cleaver, fruit knife, a jackknife, a fork, a spoon, chopsticks, thermometers, a Chinese Chess set, insecticide, clothes line clips, waste basket, laundry basket, umbrella, table lamp, clothes hangers, thermos, cutting board, tupperware, copy books, broom, dustpan, and probably things I forgot. All from the same store!
This was my first hardware store about a mile from by dorm. It was a lot like a dollar store in the US but of course the prices were all over.
This is the new hardware store it is only about half a mile away and is about twice as big. I think it is a chain store because I've see similar stores with the same name in other parts of Tainan.
I would guess that 99% of the people living in Tainan City are apartment dwellers. So these stores provide everything you need except furniture and food. There aren't any Home Depots or Eagle hardware stores because not many own a whole house. Any if you did own a whole house you would be rich enough to have someone else do maintenance, remodeling, expansion, ...
Here's my desktop now, I now own one of the slowest printers in the world, it is an Epson T21, an inkjet printer with the soul of a dot matrix printer. I sometimes worry that my little Asus netbook will collapse under all the USB devices I hook up, but so far no problem.
I have an afternoon class and sometimes I'm a little sleepy so a drink one of these tea boxes. The 300cc box is pretty sweet(and enviromentally bad) so I switch to bringing a thermos of tea to school. In English, the box says "Black Tea" but the 2
Chinese characters above it say "Red Tea". The color of the tea is black so I don't know why it's called "Red Tea" in Chinese.
The box costs 10NT or 33 cents US.
The store name ended with "bei ho", hundred things. "bei ho Dian", hundred thing store is a common name in Chinese. It means a lot. It really is like dollart store. The quality is not as good but usuable and cheap. I am glad you have so many choices.
Those tea in the box is too sweet for me. You should ask my brother to give you some tea. Carrying your own tea is a good idea.
There is no Chinese name called "black tea". We always call it red tea. The bubble tea is called "pau Mo hung Cha".
It sounds like your hardware stores have anything apartment dwellers need. Here in Bellevue the shopping is terrific, but I still manage to buy a fair amount over the internet. Some food items are even less expensive on-line. Do you or your classmates buy over the internet, or is that more of a US phenomenon?
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