
I'm installed in my dorm room now writing from my 13' by 8' room. I have a AC, a western toilet, a shower, a TV, a hard bed, a small refrigerator, 2 cabinets and a closet. What more could I get for about $166 a month? Oh yeah, I'm writing on my netbook thru a ethernet outlet in the room. More about living conditions after I've lived a while.
The 12 hour 40 minute flight from Seattle to Taipei went well. There were two meals onboard with a choice between a Western and an Asian meals. It is a mistake to get the Western food on an Asian Airline like EVA. Those offering are just for show but my last few meals on domestic flight were bad too, so maybe that's just the new standard for airline food. On such a long flight, carrying tooth paste and a brush
is a must, to hit the immigration/customs officers with bad breath is not a good start.
Taiwan seems much more modern and efficient than when we lived here 15 years ago. Everyone so far has been helpful to this old white guy. From the Taoyuan International airport I took the new High Speed Railway to Tainan where the Cheng Kung University Chinese Language Center is located. That distance before could have taken 4 hours by card but took only 1.5 hours today.
I love your information. Please keep it up.
Even though I lived in Taiwan for more than 25 years but I have never in Tainan. Honey, you are an expert of Taiwan now! Enjoy every minute of it!!!!!
Even though your meals were below par on your flight to Taiwan, I am envious of all the food you will get in Tainan! Keep a food diary, take photos of all the interesting foods you eat and post them on to your blog!
Mike, I'm glad that you are blogging about your adventures in Tainan. Tell us all about your adventures on campus and in the city!
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