Street map of my area of Tainan City. I haven't been outside of this area.

Terrain map of my area of Tainan City. Tainan is very green from the satellite view. Tainan is on the seacoast but has moved more inland where the railroad is.

Today I took my most ambitious hike in Tainan. I walked from by dorm on Donghe Road to the Eternal Golden Fort on the seacoast. To there and back took 5.5 hours, not too bad. I started at 630PM and got back at noon. My legs were in pretty good shape from bicycling but my feet needed the two weeks of training to do this hike. After two weeks, all the lanced foot blisters are on the mend. Sidewalks in Tainan are an up and down adventure, nothing is smooth or straight.
On the full screen versions of the maps you might be able to trace my route.
1. From Donghe Road to Linsen Road
2. South on Linsen Road to Jiankang Road
3. West on Jainkang Road Guanghou Road
4. North on Guanghou Road to the Entrance of the Eternal Golden Fort
5. North on Guanghou Road to Yonghua Road
6. East along Yonghua Road to Jianping Road
7. North on Jianping Road to Anping Road
8. East on Anping Road across Jhonghua Road to Minsheng Road
9. Minsheng Road East to the Circle
10. At the Circle take Jhongshan Road to the Railroad station
... and so on
Here is the same area but now in Chinese, courtesy of the Tainan City information.

Along the way a bought this "Mos Burger". In the morning there are lots of convenience foods available on the street. Various egg sandwiches are popular. This sandwich had a patty of breaded fried shimp with lettuce and (I think) mayo. It was OK but not as good as a Fan Tuan. Which I will describe latter this week.
Wow, 5.5 hours of walking!! You are in good shape. I am glad you have two weeks to explore the city before the school starts. I am not quite sure about the map. I need to print out to see your walking route.
Everything to do with western food, don't buy it. It is just the vendor is trying to imitate the western way. It would never work and it is fry seafood. Good sea food does not fry. You should stick with authentic food. “Fan Tuan”, the rice ball is always good, freshly made and economical.
How many pounds do you lose since you get there. You should go to the school clinic to check your weight since you have health insurance now.
I continue to be impressed by your blogging techniques, Mike. I love the maps--they help me visualize where you are in the city. Your walk is impressive also. It must be a bit warm for walking. Are you used to the heat now?
Hi Mike
We found your street on the map!
Journey on.
Map is cool, and I love walking. Maybe you should buy a meter to measure how many steps u have been walked through. It's a new way to keep health and fit for. One company ask all their employees to walk 1000 steps per day to keep health.
Actually MOS burger is good too, I love their rice burger. They have good sandwich for breakfast..
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