Today the school is having an afternoon tea to introduce students to their teachers and the textbooks.
Below is the website for my off campus dormitory. The pictures are better than I could take but I've included some of my room for more "realistic" below.
I'm working of a internet connection in my room on my ubuntu linix netbook. This has worked out but I augmented the netbook with a flatscreen, a keyboard and a mouse.
I recently bought a reading light, in Taiwan they call it a table lamp. Coupled with my poor pronunciation, I had to resort to Chinese characters to get what I wanted understood.
Even among all Chinese, they may not understand each other's dialect but they all understand Chinese characters.
Here I'm using my shortwave antenna as a clothes line. It's so humid here that even after 40 minutes in the dryer, some clothes still need more drying.
Here's my other clothes line, made from an extra pair of shoe laces. Improvise
I tried a new place in the neighborhood. It was an upscale place place costing 60NT ($2) instead of the usual 40NT ($1.50). I ordered by favorite Pai Gu Fan but I got some kind of pork ribs not a cutlet. As you can see at the upscale place you get a bigger bowl and more sides. That red can is Coca Cola.
It is very interesting to see your room. With skype, I could not see the whole picture. Now, I can more or less imagine your living space. It is really minimum but you have all you need. Plus you don't need to cook so I think it is OK. Do you have a common kitchen?
Taiwanese has been in schooling since they are 5 years old until college. I was in school almost day and night. Most of the time from 6 or 7 in the morning to late afternoon. Most of us either go to extra tutoring school or stay late in school studying after classes every day. So when we are out of the school, we no longer have any interest in schooling any more. It is unusual to go school voluntary like you. Plus you are an unusual case even with all American.
I liked seeing the pictures of your room. Did you buy more electronics there? I noticed that you have a television and additional computer monitor. What are your favorite TV shows there? Do you have a refrigerator?I didn't see any photos of centipedes. Does that mean that you have had no more visitors at night?
I hope you won't have as rigorous a school schedule as Florence had. I myself would probably enjoy taking some college classes if I would only have to be in class for a few hours a day and didn't have much homework.
I really like your before and after pictures of the fish!! YOu are really good at documenting your surroundings! :)
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