Washington State-----------6.5
So I think China probably has thousands of "villages" bigger than all of Alaska, terms of population. Mainland China is 57 times larger than Taiwan... (For me, tabs don't work in blogger and the numbers just have to be aligned to be of any use.)
There is a new Office of Foreigner Assistance near Tainan City Hall that opened up this past Monday, so I thought I'd go check it out. From the address in the email announcement I had the general area and I thought they'd have a sign in English. Bad presumption. After a good two hour walk, I got to the right street and block but without the house number and floor I was SOL. That's OK, I got some good pictures along the way and as class is 2 weeks off, I have the time to kill. I'll try again tomorrow.
The two pictures above are of a dud that fell in Tainan during WWII. From the plaque it seems no one knows who dropped the 550 lb empty bomb in Tainan. I know the US bombed a few sights in HsinChu with real bombs but this dud is a mystery to this day. But there's no reason why it shouldn't have its own space in a public park.
After a hard day working on the "internets" this is the perfect meal. "Shao Rou Fan" is the rice with a skewer of meat(pork) on top. The vegtable is optional, the beer is not.
You should complain by email to Office of Foreigner Assistance. I am sure they will listen to a foreigner. You definitely should go there again to be the first one. You might win a prize.
I am glad you change to "Shao Rou Fan" instaed of "pai ko fan". It looks like you are eating a lot of "fan", rice. Don't become a "fan tong", rice bucket. Try rice noodle or other. Tainan is famous for "dan dan man", special meat sauce over noodle. Did you go to Mcdonald yet?
I walk to City hall everyday. I am not yet seeing any Chinese characters pointing to city hall. The percentage of Chniese speaking population in Bellevue is probably much more than the percentage of foreigners in Tainan. City of Bellevue does have a assitant program to foreign speaking citizen. But you are right that I have not seen any Chinese or other language direction point to city hall. You did bring up a good point but I want you to know it is universal, not just Tainan. I am defining my country!!
You are getting really good at blogging! I hope the journal entries are becoming easier for you. I'm impressed!!
Try looking for the Office of Foreigner Assistance again today!
Good luck finding the Office of Foreigner Assistance! I think it's only two blocks south from Neiman-Marcus. Your pictures continue to impress me. Please keep posting them. I agree that you are getting good at blogging. It's entertaining for us to read. Maybe Larry and I should try blogging from Arizona.
Pork seems to be the most popular meat in Tainan--or is it just your favorite? I think Larry would enjoy the cuisine there! Do vegetarians have many choices?
We have had a little problem with computer viruses at our home. I hope your computer stays well and I hope that you stay well. Has the swine flu swept through your campus?
I'm glad you have these two weeks before classes start so you have more time to give us pictures and comments on your life there. After classes start you may be too busy!
Do they drink a lot of green tea there?
You need to explore the area of health food such as vegetarian and green tea. It should be very easy to find vegetarian food and tea shops. The Chinese character for vegetarian food is 素 食 (su shi).
I am watching TV with Ely, Mei and Vas. They told me to use the quote that we just heard from TV to you:
Don't let no one say you can't do nothing!!
Tainan does have lots of good food, and cheap.
One really reallly famous one is called "quan-tsai-ban". "Coffin Toast"..hahha...I heard it's good, but never try it.. check out this or
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