Monday, January 4, 2010

Train on NCKU Campus

Everytime I think I know something, I'm surprised when I find something new. On the NCKU campus there is a Museum with some great displays. But outside the Museum is an old train engine on display.

Shameless self-promotion.

The engine innards are on display as a learning opportunity but I doubt this train will every see the rails again.

The plaque says the engine was built in 1901, in Japanese time and before the Chinese Republic(1911).

As part of the garden with the engine is a tree.

The tree fell down but rather than take it out a pillar was built to prop it up.

Now, my question is: Which is older the engine or the tree?


Paula said...

Great pictures! I have been interested in trains from that era because both of my grandfathers moved to WA state to work on the Great Northern railroad about the time your engine was built. I inherited some of the tools my father's father used as a machinist. Yesterday at an antiques fair I even saw many of those tools up for sale. I wonder if that tree fell over during an earthquake...

Florence said...

You are looking good better than the train. You looked much thinner. We should all go to Taiwan to loose weight.