Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ts'ai-Liao Fossil Museum of Tainan County

Right in Tainan County there a Fossil Museum. The first documented fossil finds in Taiwan were in 1931 and they are of the Pleistocene era of 1.8 million to 10,000 years ago. Long after the dinosaurs died out about 70 million years ago.

There are fossils of Elephants, Rhino, sharks, whales, crocodiles, big cats, bears ... Taiwan must have been a wild play in those days. (It's still kind of wild today, but in a different way.)

In 1971 there was a big discovery when bones of human ancestors were found. They were dated to be comtemporary with Peking Man or as he is now called Shandingdongren. The skull fragments are from an ancestor now called "Tsochen Man" (or ZouZhen in pinyin) after the town where the remains were found.

Besides a display of all the mammals found at the site there is an extensive collections of sea creature fossils. You can go to any market in Taiwan and see the still living versions.


Getting there might be complicated, unless you take the Hsin Nan Bus from the their storefront across from the Tainan Railway Station on Jhongshan Rd.. Get off at the "Hua Shi Guan"(Fossil Museum) stop. Take the same bus back.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Another great find! You are really getting around Tainan. Tucson is gearing up for a month long series of gem, bead, mineral, and fossil shows. There is even a show at the arena on how dinosaurs would look and move called "Walking with the Dinosaurs". 15 life size dinosaurs have been created with the help of animatronics. Too bad will miss it. According to the paper, there will be lots of fossils on exhibit and for sale at the shows all over town. No Peking Man, though. Tucson is the place to be for gems and minerals during the month of February.