Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trip to Ilan 2

We spend the night in Jiaosi, Jiaosi is famous for the hot springs that run through it. These are public parks with music, food, night markets, ...

The night market had products that were unique to the East coast of Taiwan, I hadn't seen them in Tainan.

While there in Jiaosi, Taiwan had a 6.8 earthquake and it was the biggest I experienced in Taiwan(so far). The East coast is the interface between the Asian plate and the Philippine plate and earthquakes there are more frequent and severe.

In the morning we walked up the mountains of Wufongci Park. On this Sunday morning there we lots of people getting their exercise on the mountain.

There are three falls, each at a higher level, we didn't make it to the top but got to the second waterfall.

At the higher levels there is so much water they just stick a pipe in the stream and drain it in to a sink and let it flow.

No need for a valve:

We then took the train to Keelung, where we hit the night market. It seemed to be a food only night market. The crowds were so thick you couldn't move at some times. The food was great I felt like I was having my own Anthony Bourdain experience.


Florence said...

Good description of Ilan. I hope it will generate some tourists.

Paula said...

Jiosi sounds beautiful! Good food and beautiful scenery can't be beat. You describe the earthquake matter of factly, like you are used to them. Are the buildings constructed to withstand earthquakes? When is your term over--when Florence comes?