Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fun with English again

Translation is always a tricky business, there are always going to be misunderstandings. But I think sometimes the effect is on purpose. Like this one for a coffee shop(I wonder if this rag doll has teeth):

Then of course we have lawyers to thank for some of the best attempts. I don't know what they use in Southern California but I'm sure the lawyers there have the same concerns:

Of course the "leaves" in this case could actually be "widow makers":

In this sign, an elementary school uses a park as school grounds during school hours but after that it's open to the trespassing public:

This sign solves the age old mathematics problem of: "Who cuts the hair of the barber?"

And what could be a better advertisement than to put your best product out front:


Paula said...

Great signs! Spaghetti and cookies? I haven't tried that. Is it good? Is spaghetti in Tainan like ours? Re the widow maker falling leaves--it sounds like you might have to choose between looking up or looking at traffic. The choice is hard. There must be some funny signs in Tucson. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them.

Pinfan said...

Barber Hair is funny..ha