Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Decorations

 According to government statistics only 8% of Taiwanese consider themselves Christian so its hard to understand why Christmas is such a big deal in Taiwan. But everyone likes to get presents and merchants are always looking for reasons to sell, so maybe it's not so strange. Of course Santa, Christmas trees and decorations aren't religious anyway.

I waited until Christmas was over to put this blog together, like every where, Christmas decoration prices go down as we get closer to the holiday. And most of the Christmas decorations have years of use because they are artificial.  So I was thinking there might be a last minute push, but although they Christmas started appearing a month ago, I think it peak about a week before the 25th. How long will they stay up? We'll see.

Here is the Tainan City traffic circle in front of the Train Station.

Here's the tree at my dorm:

Here's the tree at the Chinese Language Center:

Here's one of the trees at the NCKU Library:

Here's a tree from Jiaosi made with recycled plastic:

Here's a futuristic tree sculpture in the Tainan Train Station:

Here's a big tree at the local department store:

But the best Christmas decoration for me was a plant growing in the wild at the WuFengCi Park in Jiaosi:


Paula said...

Christmas is everywhere! I especially like the futuristic looking tree. Are all of the trees artificial, or is there a source for real trees? Our Christmas decorations are coming down tonight.

Pinfan said...

There is no real X'mas tree in Taiwan, that's why we like to get a fake one for decoration..