Monday, October 12, 2009

University Rankings

The big news last week in Taiwan, was that Taiwan National University(NTU) was ranked one of the top 100 Universities in the world. For Taiwan which is not a recognized country in the UN and claimed as a renegade province by mainland China, these world recognitions are a big deal. Forget that Taiwan has 25 million people, organized as a democratic country, the 42nd world economy, .... because mainland China has the veto vote in the UN Taiwan is still not considered a country. Taiwan has more people that any US state except California. (While some small almost deserted islands are.)

The Taiwanese government invested a lot of money in the premier University(NTU) in Taiwan in Taipei, to raise Taiwan's image. The effort paid off and now NTU is in the top 100. The rankings are based on:

Academic Peer Review Composite score drawn from peer review survey 40%
Employer Review Score based on responses to employer survey.
Faculty Student Ratio Score based on student faculty ratio 20%
Citations per Faculty Score based on research performance factored against the size of the research body 20%
International Faculty Score based on proportion of international faculty 5%
International Students Score based on proportion of international students 5%

the full methodology is at:

I'm happy that I contribute to the last category. (No consideration given to the football bowl prospects). Here are the ranks of a selected few:


As another indication that Taiwan should have UN recognition consider the
GDP(Gross Domestic Product) in dollars numbers divided by populations(per captia numbers) in which Taiwan is 42nd in the world:

1 Luxembourg 113,044
2 Norway 94,387
3 Qatar 93,204
4 Switzerland 68,433
5 Denmark 62,097
6 Ireland 60,510
7 United Arab Emirates 55,028
8 Iceland 53,058
9 Netherlands 52,500
10 Sweden 52,181
11 Finland 51,588
12 Austria 50,039
13 United States 47,440
14 Belgium 47,289
15 Australia 46,824
16 France 46,037
17 Kuwait 45,920
18 Canada 45,085
19 Germany 44,729
20 United Kingdom 43,734
21 Italy 38,996
22 Singapore 38,972
23 Japan 38,457
24 Brunei 37,053
25 Spain 35,117
26 Cyprus 32,745
27 Greece 32,105
Hong Kong 30,726
28 New Zealand 30,030
29 Israel 28,409
30 Bahrain 27,248
31 Slovenia 27,149
32 Portugal 23,041
33 The Bahamas 22,359
34 Oman 21,646
35 Czech Republic 20,760
36 Malta 20,281
37 Trinidad and Tobago 19,870
38 South Korea 19,136
39 Saudi Arabia 18,855
40 Slovakia 17,646
41 Estonia 17,532
42 Taiwan 16,988

104 China 3,259
105 Iraq 3,007
178 Liberia 216


Pinfan said...

Thank you for sharing, I am so so so so proud of Taiwan...

Paula said...

I can understand now why the Taiwanese are happy about the results. The ranking is a big honor. Your explanations are always to the point and well illustrated. Thanks for taking the time to post the tables, etc.

Florence said...

Big thanks to you!!! I am proud of having such a wonderful husband!! The number tells all. I hope PinFan can forward this to the Taiwanese government official or any Taiwanese. You are a true Taiwanese's son in law!!